WMFI Annual activity report 2015


The new membership management system was introduced. It allowed us to check the contact information of all existing members and helped recruit new members. The number of new members (by 6/2016) reached 71.

Board activity

Board meetings

The Board held 15 meetings in 2016. Board meeting minutes can be found in the Wikimedia Suomi documents page.

Working group meetings

The Board decided not to divide into working groups this year, to make sure all areas of activity will be equally active. The project coordinator will be involved in all activities.

General Assemblies

  • The Spring Assembly was held 8 June at the new offices, Caloniuksenkatu 9 D 64, Helsinki.
  • The Autum Assembly was held 2 December at Caloniuksenkatu 9 D 64, Helsinki.



  • The Nordic Culture Fund grant was extended until the end of June, 2015.
  • Wikimedia Foundation awarded a PEG grant of 32,655 € for the association activities. The grant was resolved in mid-March and the funds were received in mid-April.

Financial administration

Wikimedia Finland continued the use of the Holvi banking system. Using the system causes extra work for the accounting agency. Managing a separate cost center for Wikimaps and administering grants of different lengths has made the work more complex. We will evaluate if a change into a more traditional accounting system will support us better, but for now, we will continue with the system.

Events and collaboration

This report summarizes the activities organized and attended by Wikimedia Finland (WMFI) in 2015. Events are organized chronologically, followed by events that took place during the whole year or that are otherwise impossible to place in a single month. Where possible, number of attendees is included (both WMFI members and total number of attendees). Other metrics by event are also included where appropriate.



5.–8.2.Wiki Loves Maps

20.–21.2. Gallen-Kallela Hackathon


7.–8.3. 2015 European GLAMwiki Coordinators meeting

Susanna Ånäs participated remotely in the European GLAM coordinators' meeting, because we did not have funds for travel. It is important to keep updated about the developments, especially in regard to the upload tools, since we have own development related to the GLAM-Wiki toolset.

25.3. Wikipedia-luento Merikeskus Wellamossa

28.3. Kiasma Wikitriathlon

The Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma held a new-kind-of editathon event, ”Wikitriathlon”, on 28 March. Like a real triathlon the event was a multi-stage competition involving three stages of editing: writing an article, editing an existing article and adding links to articles. 14 new articles were created and 18 existing articles complemented. In addition to the triathlon model, new approaches to presenting and monitoring the results were tried out. Edits were written on post it notes that were attached to white boards. This way the editors got a better sense of the progression made during the day and could more easily realise their impact on Wikipedia. Participants could also ”book an article” by attaching their own name on top of the article name on a whiteboard. See also the Blog post


10.–12.4. GLAM-Wiki 2015

13.4. Wikiday + Maptime Helsinki!

15.–17.4 ITK Conference

Participating in the OKFFI strategy retreat


4.–10.5. Wikipedia contest about Norway

11.–15.5. Digital Humanities Hackathon

Susanna Ånäs participated in the Digital Humanities hackathon organized by the Advanced Studies Collegium at the University of Helsinki. She presented Wikimaps and various projects connecting Digital Humanities and Spatial enquiry.

15.–16.5. Wikimedia Conference

Attendees Tommi Kovala and Vesa Linja-aho


29.5.–7.6. Nordic Open Data Week

The Nordic Data Week is organized as a joint effort of several Nordic actors of open data. Wikimedia Finland hosts Wikimedia Sweden on their visit and arranges a meetup of partners, members and volunteers. [1]

3.6. DroneArt Helsinki!

Wikimedia Finland, AvoinGLAM and Maptime Helsinki! organize together a maker event about public art as part of the Nordic Open Data Week. Statues in Helsinki are photographed, put on a map and Wikipedia articles about them are edited. [2]

5.–6.6. #Hack4NO

Kartverket organizes a maps and geodata hackathon in Hønefoss, Norway. Susanna Ånäs participates on behalf of the Wikimaps project.

8.6. Spring Assembly


15.–19.7. Wikimania in Mexico City

Wikimedia Finland sent two participants, Sanna Hirvonen and Teemu Perhiö, to Wikimania.




2.10. Wikidata Workshop Event at Yle

The event launched the Wikidata project run by Susanna Ånäs and brought the cooperators together. There were 30 participants and guest lectureres from Netherlands and Sweden.


21.11. Editathon in Media Museum Rupriikki

Third annual editathon was held in Media Museum Rupriikki in Tampere. As a result of the meeting, the Wikiproject of Finnish Museum of Games was launched. Participants of the project gather regularly in Media Museum Rupriikki to discuss, expand and create new articles about Finnish gaming history. Finnish Museum of Games is partly crowdfunded, and will open in 2017. The staff of the museum help wikipedians by providing sources and offering their expertise on what knowledge Wikipedia lacks. The project is tied to the launch of the museum, and initial goal is to have an article of each of the games presented in the museum.


2.12. Autumn Assembly

New board was chosen. [3]

4.12. Wikiproject meeting in Media Museum Rupriikki

First of the regular meeting of the Wikiproject Finnish Museum of Games. The contact person for the project is User:Stryn.

All-year events

Weekly Staff Hangouts

Weekly staff Hangouts took place every Monday morning between the Project Manager and the assistants. The meetings were open for anyone, especially for the association and Board members. (Weekly staff meeting memos are kept closed in case of privacy concerns). Weekly staff Hangouts were cancelled after the funding for H2 was turned down by WMF.


Wikimedia Finland employed one project coordinator and several contractors for various assignments. The recruit of an Executive Director was turned down by Wikimedia Foundation. Susanna Ånäs continues with 0.7 FTE, sharing her time between project coordination and association administration.

Teemu Perhiö assisted in organising GLAM events. He coordinated the creation of the Wikipedia Library branch, and now upkeeps it as a volunteer. Teemu was chosen to the board in Autum Assembly 2015, thus he left the role of an assistant.

Ari Häyrinen continued as technical developer, focusing on GLAM upload tools.

Samppa Bernelius worked on projects.



Susanna Ånas was doing it and in autumn we were more or less moving it out of WMFi hands or alternatively wrapping it up.

Wikipedia Library

Teemu Perhiö coordinated the launch of the Finnish Wikipedia Library branch, Wikipedian Lähdekirjasto. The first partner is Finnish Literature Society, which provided 20 accounts for one year. 11 Wikipedians have applied to the program.


Spring was mostly with edithatons and in autumn focus was with Wikidata.


The funding for starting education program in 2015 was turned down. Education program will be started as a community consultation in 2016.


Susanna Ånas made Wikidata-tutorials and made Workshops with Yle. (Eg. Tuo Kulttuuridata Wikipediaan workshops)

Public Art

We were creating and appending lists of public art to finnish Wikipedia. In example fi:Luettelo_Porin_patsaista_ja_muistomerkeistä, w:fi:Luettelo Turun patsaista ja muistomerkeistä etc. As project it is co-opped with community so some of pages are updated and created by editors who arent active in Wikimedia Finland and some others are created and updated by user:Kulttuurinavigaattori whose project idea this was. Anyway this is going nicely forward.

Project applications

  • Ministry of Education and Culture: GLAM upload tools and Wikidata
  • Ministry of Education and Culture: Copyright publication
  • Wihuri Fund: Public Art Project



  • Wikimedia Suomen uutiskirje huhtikuu 2015 - [4]
  • Touko–kesäkuun uutisia Wikimedia Suomesta - [5]
  • Wikipedia-tapahtumia meillä ja muualla [6]
  • Wikidata Suomessa ja muita uutisia [7]
  • Tuoreita Wikimedia-uutisia [8]
  • Tampereella tapahtuu, hallitus vaihtui ja muita Wikimedia-uutisia [9]

Summary of Wikimedia in news & media

Full media monitoring can be found here.

  • In March there were some coverage of the WMF vs. NSA.
  • In August there were lots of coverage of the Russian censorship on Wikipedia.
  • In August the Communications officer of Finnish Wikipedia was interviewed by Yle [10].

Social media statistics

Images in Flickr & Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Finland has been able to gather a great photo archive in Flickr, since Teemu Perhiö, former assistant at WMFI photographed in certain events.

By event

  • Wikitriathlon
  • Wikidata
    • ~40 images of the first Wikidata event, photos not public.



819 likes (in 31.12.2015)

Top 5 publications (reached users)

  • 8.6. 2015 Posti toi hyviä uutisia! Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö on myöntänyt meille hakemaamme tukea suomalaisen avoimen kulttuuridatan jakamiseen Wikimedia-hankkeissa. (713)
  • 18.12.2015 Tuoreita Wikimedia-uutisia (559)
  • 18.7.2015 Mexico Cityssä alkoi eilen maailmanlaajuinen Wikimania 2015 -konferenssi. (534)
  • 29.3.2015 Tässä haastatteluni viime tiistain Kymen Sanomissa (425)
  • 2.4.2015 Wikitriathlon at Kiasma (335)


235 followers (December 2015)
