Vuosikertomus 2014/en
WMFI Annual activity report 2014
WMFI set a growth goal of 15%. This was however not met. The membership management was transferred to a centralized online membership management environment ( that allows maintenance of the membership records, signing up via web form and easy centralized messaging. This allowed us - with a delay - to start expanding the member base.
Board activity
Board members
Chair Tommi Kovala, Vice Chair Kimmo Virtanen, Secretary Iivari Koutonen, Treasurer Tarmo Toikkanen, Members Sanna Hirvonen, Jessica Parland-von Essen, Johanna Janhonen, Henrik Saari, Jyrki Lehtinen.
Board meetings
The Board meetings were held 9 times in 2014. Board meeting minutes can be found in the Wikimedia Suomi documents page.
Working groups
The Board decided to divide into working groups. The Board focused on Wikipedia in Education (EDU), collaboration with cultural and memory organizations (GLAM) and cooperation and strategic work with open knowledge and culture (OPEN). There was a group to pursue a funnier and friendlier Wikipedia with a dedicated group (<3). The groups for communications were for newsletters and association emails (WMFI), press (PRESS), some communications (SOME) ja communicating with the Wikipedia community (WIKI).
General Assemblies
The Spring Assembly was held 13 June in Kaupunkiverstas, Lasipalatsi, Helsinki. The Autumn Assembly was held 12 December in Kirjasto 10, Helsinki.
- WMFI requested extension of the grant period until the end of 2014 for the 15 000 € grant granted by the Finnish Ministry of Culture and Education in 2013. The project is now finalized and closed.
- The Nordic Culture Fund awarded a grant of 31 640,00 € for the Wikimaps project.
- Wikimedia Foundation granted a PEG grant of 63 552,29 € for the association activities, of which 35% were allocated to the Wikimaps project.
- The Finnish Institute in London participated in the costs of the Wikimaps project by covering the travel and accommodation of Tim Waters in the Wikimaps Nordic kickoff event.
Financial administration
Wikimedia Finland started using the Holvi service in February 2014 for managing daily transactions. At the same time WMFI started using the services of accounting agency EMU. They have earlier experience in the use of the Holvi system
Events and collaboration
This report summarizes the activities organized and attended by Wikimedia Finland (WMFI) in 2014. Events are organized chronologically, followed by events that took place during the whole year or that are otherwise impossible to place in a single month. Where possible, number of attendees is included (both WMFI members and total number of attendees). Other metrics by event are also included where appropriate.
Crowdsourcing in Arts and Humanities & Volunteered Geographic Information
13–25 January 2014 Susanna Ånäs made an academic short term scientific mission, visiting Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford, ExCiteS at the University College of London, and additional scholars in Digital Humanities in the UK during January. Wikimaps was discussed in the context, but the travel was not funded from association funds.
A blog post in English about the discussions was published in the Wikimaps blog:
Tiedettä Wikipediaan
26 February 2014 Workshop in Helsinki by the University of Helsinki, Salla Laaksonen, Tiina Lehmikoski-Pessa and Antero Aunesluoma. WMFI board member Iivari Koutonen presented Wikipedia editing and together with WMFI board member Jyrki Lehtinen and fi-wikipedia volunteer Juha Kämäräinen helped out novices.
Wikimaps Nordic kickoff
28 February 2014 Wikimaps Nordic project started with a kick-off event organized in Helsinki. There were altogether 35 participants: 7 wikimedians from partner chapters, 2 invited speakers (Tim Waters and Hay Kranen) and 26 representatives from participating GLAMs and other interested people. The event was arranged by Susanna Ånäs of WMFI and WMFI board members Tommi Kovala, Jessica Parland von Essen and Jyrki Lehtinen attended.
- Blog post:
- Project page in Lanyrd with links to presentations:
27 March Wikimaps prsentation by Susanna Ånäs of WMFI in the visualisation event INT-VIS-HEL.
Wikipedia Editor meetup
One held in Jyväskylä in April, 3 attendees. The agenda: give insights to Board member Johanna Janhonen for Wikimedia Conference.
Wikimedia Conference. Attendees Johanna Janhonen & Susanna Ånäs
We found out during the Wikimedia Conference that our board would benefit enormously from wider participation in the Wikimedia events. The planned Board education during Wikimania will come handy in many terms, both in terms of exposure and learning.
Blog posts
- What is Wikimedia conference, Johanna Janhonen
- What happened in Wikimedia Conference, Johanna Janhonen
- Wikimedia Conference and who is in charge of Wikipedia, Johanna Janhonen
HEL<3DEV, Helsinki Loves Developers
8 April 2014 Susanna Ånäs participated and presented the Wikimps project in an event bringing up historical materials of Helsinki
ITK conference
9-11 April The ITK conference focused on interactive technology in education. The Finnish Wikipedia community had been planning to participate on previous years, but it was impractical before the Chapter was founded. WMFI had a hands-on demonstration booth. Based on the plans and experiences, we made it into a Learning Pattern.
Attendees from WMFI and fi-wikipedia community: WMFI board members Kimmo Virtanen, Tarmo Toikkanen and Tommi Kovala and fi-Wikipedia volunteers Juha Kämäräinen and Tarmo Thorström. Program: Juha Kämäräinen, Kimmo Virtanen, Tommi Kovala: "Get acquainted with the basics of Wikipedia with help of Wikipedians" (thursday-friday, nonstop); Tarmo Toikkanen: "Open Education and the Finnish Open Education Working Group" (thursday 16:15 - 16:45, see also: [1], [2]).
Presentation for GLAMs
24 April 2014 A presentation of Wikimedia possibilities to GLAMs took place in a MasterClass for open data, organized by Open Knowledge Finland. The participants were from several GLAM institutions in Finland. Wikimedia Suomi GLAM group has initiated the GLAM edit-a-thon series, with most of them as organizers.
Wikimedia hackathon
9–11 May 2014 In the Wikimedia hackathon maps played a central role. Discussions were pulled together across the community, the OpenStreetMap community, legal aspects and others. Susanna Ånäs had a separate Wikimedia grant for participation.
Wikimedia Hackathon report (blog) at
GLAM Editathon series planning workshop
21 May 2014, Kiasma The meeting of the GLAMs for planning the editathon series took place in Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma. The participating institutions were Helsinki City Library, Finnish National Gallery, The Finnish Museum of Photography, AvoinGLAM, Finnish Literature Society, Finnish Broadcasting Company Archives, Helsinki Art Museum, Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland and Frame Visual Art Finland.
- The presentation for GLAM people in Kiasma 21 May 2014, Johanna Janhonen
- Meeting memos
Wiki Loves Maps Expert meeting in Amsterdam
24 May 2014 Wikimedia Netherlands organized an expert meeting on historical maps in Amsterdam. Susanna presented Wikimaps, and new connections for the further development were made. Participation was covered by Wikimedia Nederlands.
- Project page at
Third Digital Humanities Finland Symposium, Helsinki
5 June 2014, National Library of Finland, Helsinki. Presentation of the Wikimaps project by Sunanna Ånäs, WMFI:
Historialliset paikkatietoaineistot pääkaupunkiseudulla - Historical geodata in the Metropolitan Area
12 June 2014, 9:00–11:00 The City of Helsinki invited a group of actors from the Metropolitan area to discuss joint efforts in gathering historical maps and aerial images. Susanna presented Wikimaps. In the end it was decided that the group will contribute open materials to a challenge in the Apps4Finland competition. Additionally, there will be efforts to combine the maps hackathon, the planned #Hack4fi hackathon by AvoinGLAM and the Apps4Finland competition.
Participanting institutions in the meeting:
- Helsinki Region Infoshare
- Forum Virium
- Helsinki City Archives
- Helsinki City Museum
- Apps4Finland
- National Archives
- National Board of Antiquities
- City of Espoo.
Wikimedia & OSM @ SotMEU 2014
13 June 2014, 19:00–20:00 Tim Alder gathered a group of people involved in both OSM and Wikimedia during State of the Map EU to a Hangout.
Susanna attended the Digital Humanities 2014 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. She participated in the creation of the GeoHumanities SIG of the ADHO organization. She published a position paper (123 views by december 13. 2015) and a presentation (977 views by december 13. 2015) as part of the GeoHumanities workshop. The blog post was popular, it was read 2,476 times (by february 28. 2015). Wikimaps project funded a part of the trip, and it was primarily funded by an external grant.
Wikimedia Suomi ry had no presentations at Wikimania. However, we decided to have as many participants attending as possible. The Board training that was arranged in the context also made it worthwhile. 3 Board members attended in the Board training, and one also in the Train the Trainers session. User:Urjanhai of fi-Wikipedia attended to the conference with scholarship from Wikimedia foundation.
- Documentation
- Video interviews by Johanna Janhonen: Kaarel Vaidla, Erik Zachte, Tommi Kovala, Kimmo Virtanen, Ziko van Dijk
- Wikiresearch-työpaja. Blog post by Kimmo Virtanen 7.8.2015.
- Lontoossa koulutettiin Wikipedia-kouluttajia. Blog post by Johanna Janhonen 22.8.2015.
- Reports by User:Urjanhai in fi-wikipedia's news page: [3], [4], [5]
Rupriikki Edit-A-Thon
9 September 2014 Media Museum Rupriikki in Tampere hosted a Wikimedia editathon for the second time. The editathon was about history of electronic games.
WMFI staff member prepared the Wikipedia presentation, assisted the participants and took photos through the event (11-18). He also analysed the results of the event.
There were 5 volunteers - 2 assisting wikipedians and 3 members of the board - who helped the participants during the event.
GLAMWiki Toolset workshop
GLAMWiki Toolset workshop for the representatives of GLAMs was arranged in Helsinki 10.9.2014. The workshop was held by senior developer Dan Entous of GLAMWiki Toolset project.
- GLAMs and GLAMWiki Toolset Ari Häyrisen blogipostaus 1.10.2014.
Avoin Suomi fair
15-16 September 2014 Wikimedia Suomi participated as an exhibitor in the Avoin Suomi 2014 fair, organized by the Prime Minister's Office. From WMFI three board members (Kimmo Virtanen, Tommi Kovala, Tarmo Toikkanen) and three staff members (Susanna Ånäs, Sammppa Bernelius, Sampo Viiri) attended.
- Building an open Finland. Blog post by Sampo Viiri 25.9.2014.
26 September #Hack4DK is the Danish cultural hackathon that was held in Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen. Wiki Loves Maps seminar in February 2015 is followed by a maps hackathon in the context of the #Hack4FI cultural hackathon.
Kulttuuriympäristö ja matkailu Event in Parainen
15 October, 3 participants from WMFI, exploring the Wikimaps Skärgården proposed project.
- Blog Post on the event by the researchers of Turku Museum centre (in Finnish)
- Programme of the event (in Finnish)
Cultural Edit-A-Thon Series
Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan ('Bring culture into Wikipedia') is a series of editathons organized as a collaboration between Wikimedia Suomi ry, 6 GLAM organizations and the Summer University of the Helsinki Region.
During the events Juha Kämäräinen as a chief instructor gave prepared reresentations (slides: [6] or [7]).
Assisting wikipedians consisting of both WMFI staff members and coordinators (Teemu Perhiö, Susanna Ånäs, Sanna Hirvonen) and volunteers consisting of both board members (four other board members except for Sanna in 2-3 events) and other volunteers (three other volunteers in 3-4 events) gave help in editing.
Alltogeteher, 77 people participated either as students, instructors, organizers, volunteers or experts. 68 % of these were women.
Editathon sessions in october:
- 2.10.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Yle Arkisto
- 9.10.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Helsingin kaupunginkirjasto
- 23.10.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Kansallisgallerian kokoelmat ja Ateneum
- 30.10.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland
Cultural Edit-A-Thon Series
The cultural edit-a-thon series continued.
- 6.11.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Helsingin taidemuseo
- 13.11.2014 klo 16.30–20.00 Suomen valokuvataiteen museo
- Documentation
- The project page of the Wiki project Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan ('Bring culture into Wikipedia') in fi-wikipedia
- Course slides in Wikimedia Commons and SlideShare.
- Broschure "Tervetuloa Wikipediaan" ('Welcome to Wikipedia') in Wikimedia Commons (pdf)
- Broschure "Kulttuuri verkkoon" ('Culture into the net') in Wikimedia Commons (pdf)
- Finland report: Edit-a-thon Course "Bring Culture to Wikipedia" by Sanna Hirvonen in This Month in GLAM – Volume IV, Issue X, October 2014
- Tule tuomaan kulttuuritietoa Wikipediaan ('Come to bring cultural data into Wikipedia') - Blog post by Sanna Hirvonen prior to the event series
- Bringing Cultural Heritage to Wikipedia. Blog post by Teemu Perhiö 30.10.2014.
- Wikimanian vallassa ('In Wikimania') - Blog post by Sanna Hirvonen after participating Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City
- A Gateway Theory – How Edit-a-thons Can Lure Innocent GLAMs into the World of Wiki - Sanna's representation in Wikimania 2015 and Slides in Slideshare.
Moving Historical geodata to the Web, NYPL, New York
Susanna Ånäs participated in Moving Historical geodata to the Web workshop organized by New York Public Library. NYPL covered participation.
- We are here. Where do we go next? - Susanna's Blog post on the event.
State of the Map and Iberoconf, Buenos Aires
Susanna Ånäs presented in State of the Map conference and Iberoconf in Buenos Aires. Partial accommodation costs were covered by the Wikimaps project.
- We are here. Where do we go next? - Susanna's Blog post on the events.
General Assembly
The general assembly of WMFI elected a new Board, with Tommi Kovala continuing as Chairman. New rules were adopted. In the new rules the fiscal year of the chapter was changed to be the same as the period of APG financiaton that was to be applied from Wikimedia Foundation. The current general strategy was approved and the <3 project was discontinued. The assembly found that the project is necessary but would require dedicated volunteers and it would need to be a high priority for the Wikipedia community if it were to be successful.
All-year events
Weekly Staff Hangouts
Weekly staff Hangouts take place every Monday morning between the Project Manager and the assistants. The meetings are open for anyone, and especially the association and Board members. There are brief weekly summaries in the WMFI wiki. (Weekly staff meeting memos are kept closed in case of privacy concerns)
Weekly WMFI chats
There was less energy for the general out-of-office-hours weekly chats in 2014. The old Etherpad platform was discontinued. Here is a link to the Etherpad backup. The new weekly meet-ups are held at
Other events, publications and projects
- Kulttuuri verkkoon, a brochure in collaboration with WMSE
The brochure is based on the "Kulturskatter på nätet" brochure by Wikimedia Sverige. WMFI has translated, localized and redesigned the brochure, proofread and printed it and added it to Commons.
- Postcard for distribution at public events
The postcard is produced of materials opened in the context of cultural partnerships.
Community coordinator recruit report
Wikimedia Suomi ry recruited 4 assistants for short term assignments. The arrangement has proven to be successful in the scope of time we have had to observe. All assistants have found their unique angles and strengths. Working together in an organization that still has no physical headquarters is easier to manage when there are others to ask or share the work with. The arrangement is flexible and powerful. In the incredibly busy period during the autumn in WMFI, the possibility of having several people work at the same time was very useful, while it was not necessary to keep the arrangement in a calm period. This will only work if the assignment complements the person's other activities, and we have been lucky.
Ari Häyrinen's dissertation is about open cultural data for the University of Jyväskylä in 2012. His domain will be technical support and development for GLAM uploads, training and assisting the GLAMs in their practical challenges. He will also assist in some Wikimaps technical tasks.
Sampo Viiri comes from the Finnish Institute in London. He is a historian, and he created a report of Digital Humanities in the UK as part of his assignment in London. He will be with us occasionally, as a full-time job will occupy him primarily. His started in the domain of open data and was central in the arrangements for the Avoin Suomi fair.
Samppa Bernelius works as a doctoral researcher at the Geological Survey of Finland. He is a GIS professional and a Board member of GIS professionals' association ProGIS. Samppa will help in planning and funding the future Wikimaps projects, as well as sharing his experience in project planning for all WMFI activities.
Teemu Perhiö is a student of political history with student association experience. He is a seasoned wikipedian and wikimedian, and is fluent in publishing, graphic design, photography and many other crucial skills for the task. Teemu will assist the Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan editathon series as his first assignment.
Activities Wikimaps Nordic
- Wikimaps Nordic kickoff
- Participation at Wikimania Hackathon.
- Wiki Loves Maps Expert meeting
- State of the Map EU (remote)
- DH2014
- Moving Historical Geodata to the Web, a NYPL event, workshop.
- State of the Map, presentation
- Iberoconf, presentation
OpenHistoricalMap intern
Wikimaps teamed up with OpenHistoricalMap to host a summer intern, a FOSS OPW (Free and Open Source Software Outreach Project for Women) project supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. Jaime Lyn Schatz joined the project in creating a time slider in the OpenHistoricalMap site.
Wikimaps monthly Hangouts
The project revolves around monthly meetings gathering makers and GLAMmers in discussions. The events have enabled us to form a consensus about projects, and enabled planning to some extent. We are now ready to start development of first issues.
Blog posts of the first hangouts are at and Wikimaps Hangouts documentation can be found at
- The development items in the project plan have been assigned
- WP1 code refactoring, OHM.
- WP2 Warper UI redevelopment, Tim Waters.
- WP3 User interface design, Susanna Ånäs: By decision of the WMFI Board this additional compensation can be paid to Susanna Ånäs, who is also the Project Manager for the Wikimaps project.
- Work packages WP4 and WP5 are transferred to 2015.
Overall, developing in the Wikimedia environment contains many technical dependencies. Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out technical development that relies on the advancements in the general Wikimedia environment. It is possible to develop for the space if the design considerations can be made independent from each other.
- The Template:Map has been released. It is included in the GLAM-Wiki Toolset for mass uploads of maps.
- The Wikimaps Warper accepts OAuth login with credentials from Wikimedia Commons, GitHub and OpenStreetMap. Tim Waters has written a blog post to describe it.
- The Wikimaps Warper now includes OpenHistoricalMap. The user is transferred from the warper to OHM with a single click.
- FOSS OPW internship was completed. Jaime Lyn Schatz worked with Rob Warren on creating a time slider for OpenHistoricalMap.
- The design of the Warper control point interface can be viewed in the design document.
- Front end development has been delayed and will be transferred to 2015.
The Wikimaps network covers participants in Helsinki, Finland, Nordic countries and internationally. The channels of communication are the newsletter (xx subscribers) that reaches all participants personally, the blog (xx posts) and the Facebook group (xx subscribers).
- In Positio, the professional GIS magazine of The national Land Survey of of Finland an article on Wikimaps was published in the issue 2/2014 (30.5.2014): Article in web, html, Article in web, pdf, The whole issue, pdf.
Summary of Wikimedia in news
- Helsingin Sanomat has been covering pretty widely the topics around Wikipedia. In 30.11.2013 they published a large study about the quality of Finnish Wikipedia (14 stories including background and follow-ups) After that their active reporting has continued and they have published in 2014 15 different stories which topics have been about the Wikipedia or Wikimedia. 5 of those were about the police inquiry of fundraising and 10 was from different topics. Mostly news were about topics like most read of Finnish Wikipedia in 2013, Tieteen Termipankki, editor retention and Wikipedia Voice Intro Project. Generally, attitude of Helsingin Sanomat has been rather positive or curious.
- Except police inquiry of fundraising or news by Helsingin Sanomat, most news coverage of Wikimedia/Wikipedia have been copy paste journalism where global news are blindly translated to Finnish. (w:fi:wikipedia:medianäkyvyys)
- Most important news about the Wikimedia was the finnish police inquiry of the WMF's fundraising in February. The larger context in the news was legal problems in crowdfunding in general and change of law because of that. (w:fi:Wikipedia:Poliisihallituksen lausuntopyyntö 2014)
- News sites are commonly using photos with credits pointing to Wikimedia Commons. That includes in example large news sites like Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company) or Iltasanomat. [8]. [9]
- The scientific "Tiedettä Wikipediaan -Hands-on" -workshop and Lisa Sounio-Ahtisaari "Wikitalkoot" -workshop were covered in the news.
- From June 2014 to October 2014 there were 19 stories about Wikipedia in the Finnish newspapers. 6 of the stories were short writings about the vandalism and accuracy of Wikipedia. For example there were stories about congress-edits and RUGovEdits twitter bots. 4 of the news items were about monkey selfie, two about the Wikipedia statue in the Poland and two about the right to be forgotten. Rest of the news were pretty positive random news like why some famous people are remembered or how 8.5% articles in Wikipedia are made by a bot operated by Sverker Johansson. (w:fi:wikipedia:medianäkyvyys)
- From 16. October 2014 to 31. December 2014 there were 6 articles about Wikipedia. One about Wikimedia Finland's Tuo kulttuuri Wikipediaan event in Yle's website, Sue Gardner's interview at Slush, multiple articles in different news sites about how Russia will create their own Wikipedia, Yle's top 14 list of totally scary topics in Wikipedia (eg Horror Wikipedia). In December there was an interview in Tamperelainen about a couchsurfer wikipedian who was traveling in Finland. Both Yle and Helsingin Sanomat also commonly referred to Wikipedia in their articles. Referring was like "... based on Wikipedia...". Yle also used pictures from Wikipedia.
Social media statistics
Images in Flickr & Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Finland has been able to gather a great photo archive in Flickr, since Teemu Perhiö, assistant at WMFI has been photographing in all events.
- Wikimedia Finland Flickr account
- 208 photos
4 followers, 6,487 views
- Home page (3 547 views)
- 29.12.2014 Tule Wikimedia Suomen toiminnanjohtajaksi Tommi Kovala (191 views)
- 30.10.2014 Bringing Cultural Heritage to Wikipedia Sanna Hirvonen (96 views)
- 16.10.2014 Swedish Wikipedia grew with help of bots Johanna Janhonen (80 views)
- 01.10.2014 GLAMs and GLAMWiki Toolset Ari Häyrinen (82 views)
- 25.09.2014 Avointa Suomea rakentamassa (80 views) / Building an Open Finland (14 views), Sampo Viiri
- Lontoossa koulutettiin Wikipedia-kouluttajia, Johanna Janhonen (70 views)
- Tule tuomaan kulttuuritietoa Wikipediaan, Sanna Hirvonen (824 views)
- Wikiresearch-työpaja, Kimmo Virtanen (38 biews)
- Wikimedia Suomen kevätkokous, Tommi Kovala (28 views)
- Kuka Wikipediaa johtaa?, Johanna Janhonen (72 views)
- Wikimedia-säätiön uusi johtaja Lila Tretikov esittäytyi Wikimedian koodareille hackathonissa, Susanna Ånäs (54 views)
- Wikimedia-konferenssi Berliinissä. Johanna Janhonen (125 views)
- Rahankeruusta, Tommi Kovala (1 689 views)
- Hyvää Uutta Vuotta! (105 views) / Happy New Year! (63 views), Susanna Ånäs
- Tietoa Wikimedia Suomesta (345 views)
- 08/20/2014 Kiinnostaako kulttuuri? Haluatko oppia kirjoittamaan Wikipediaan? Teimme kurssin sinulle. (1,308 views)
- 08/17/2014 Wikimedia Suomessa on tarjolla työtehtäviä, jotka kestävät vuoden loppuun... (1,285 views)
- 09/09/2014 Lokakuussa alkavalla kurssilla on vielä muutama vapaa paikka. (901 views)
- 10/01/2014 Terveisiä Virosta, jossa lukiolaisia kannustetaan tuottamaan laadukasta Wikipedia-sisältöä opetusministeriön tuella. (574 views)