Edellinen hakemus https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Simple/Applications/Wikimedia_Suomi/2017


Sisältö on yhdistetty educationiin eikä hakemuksessa tarvita tätä.


The objective of our programs is to increase the visibility of Wikimedia Finland and the Wikimedia movement in general by raising awareness of the movement and engaging people in our activities. We serve our community by offering programs and activities they have shown interest in, or what we presume they would be interested in. Next year, we will strengthen our collaboration with Finnish partners and institutions in order to be better of use to the Finnish general public. We will also strengthen our collaboration with international partners, and other Wikimedia chapters in order to create new opportunities for the member of the Finnish Wikimedia community and the public and to scale up and develop our existing programs.

Our most important programs are related to GLAM work and Education. In both these areas, we work largely with partners (see Partnerships for more on this). We are very lucky to have both a museum expert and an education expert as board members, and their skills and expertise go a long way in ensuring effective programs. Our flagship project in Education is the WikiLeap -project, which aims at writing elementary school learning materials into WikiBooks. The benefits of this project are quite self-evident - accessible and free learning materials for everyone -, and we have already gained significant traction and support for this project from multiple sources. A new initiative next year will be related to technical development, i.e. importing tools from international community for Finnish users and creating guides for them. Key parts of guides and examples should be translated to English in order to get a larger audience for the tools used.

The basic education system in Finland is advanced. The new curriculum in public schools offers wide scope of skills, transgressing all subjects and emphasizing media readership. Task of Wikimedia Suomi runs parallel to this, and we will not educate only consumers, but producers of media. Wikimedia offers good tools for this kind of activity. We will continue the Wikileap-project, emphasizing teachers.

We estimate that the impact from our programs could be substantial, especially among Finnish general public. Our cooperation with Finnish institutions benefits public institutions and through them, the public. Non-editors have also shown interest in WLM, and we expect them to be as interested in WLE. The content we would get from these competitions would be thousands of pictures, documented in a free and available database. Through our projects, we also impact Finnish education system, which in turn acts as a multiplier.

Text from slack discussion in Finnish is moved to talk page.


Metrics or all programs here?


Tämä on yritys muotoilla education ohjelmaa. Seuraava on muotoiltu Tian johdannosta ja partnership-osiosta


In the year 2017, our target was to develop a program that provides education in Wikipedia pedagogic activity, and in 2018 target is to begin to implement it.

The basic education system in Finland is advanced. The new curriculum in public schools offers wide scope of skills, transgressing all subjects and emphasizing media readership. The task of Wikimedia Suomi runs parallel to this, and we will not educate only consumers, but also producers of media. Wikimedia offers good tools for this kind of activity.

In spring 2017, we ran two Education Program pilots that served as learning tools for setting up a broader Education Program. Our plan is to create a hub, where students and teachers get instructions to use Wikipedia in Education. Our goal is to launch a community consultation and make draft pages for the project in November 2017, and we expect 10–15 Wikipedians to take part in the discussion. We look into utilising Programs & Events dashboard. Two workshops will be organised in the beginning of 2018 for teachers and EDU tutors. Wikimedia Suomi should consider to act as a promoter to maintain this hub, the course pages and offer to help lecturers when needed.

Our flagship project in Education is the WikiLeap project, which aims to write elementary school learning materials into WikiBooks. Next year it will be related to our technical development program, i.e. importing tools from international Wikimedia community for Finnish wikimedia users and creating guides for them.

In 2018, there is a follow-up WikiLeap project with the National Museum where they will update parts of their teaching material on Finnish prehistory that they have previously had online and re-publish them on WikiBooks in connection with their new exhibition on the subject. The editorial work is done by the National Museum staff and Wikimedia Finland's role is to give support with editing the wiki. That includes an editathon with the staff. We also support this with templates, commons mass uploads and data uploads to Wikidata if needed. The National Museum is also participating in Educa exhibition in January. It is expected that Wikimedia Suomi will have a supporting role there too, and after Educa there will be an edithaton(s) for teachers as a follow-up event. Later next spring as part of our own EDU program we are posting workshop and presentation proposals for WikiLeap at ITK conference (Interactive Technology in Education).

To test the content in Wikibooks we will try to organize a student project where they will photograph Finnish prehistory locations for WLM/WLE.


  1. Importing elementary school learning materials into WikiBooks.
  2. Advancing media readership education.
  3. Republishing the National Museums materials.
  4. Launching Ecucation program hub in Finnish Wikipedia.

Measures of success

  1. Number/percentage of learning materials imported into WikiBooks.
  2. Amount of material imported by the National Museum.
  3. Number of university courses implementing Wikipedia in education.


We will continue organizing Public artworks and memorials project.

The aim of this ongoing Public artworks and memorials project is to bring all public art and memorials in Finland into Wikipedia and list them. Currently such a list does not exist anywhere; instead, there are multiple lists compiled by different instances, and information on public art pieces is not accessible. Our project aims at rectifying the situation by photographing monuments and other public art pieces, collect documentation and writing articles on them.

Public art and its accessibility is an important theme for Wikimedia Suomi, and with this project we strive to serve not only general public and experts, but the Wikimedia community as well. The project has - due to its multi-layered approach - the opportunity of making the project a shared experience for both Wikipedians and non-editors. We plan to publish a showcase dataset at cultural hackathon Hack4fi. The project includes photohunts, which we have already organized several times, and editathons. Themes for editathons include exporting information into Wikidata; using the information on Wikidata in Wikipedia; using Wikidata in information searches; marking statues on OSM map. The participants mediate topical ideas, methods and news for the community.

We will also continue in the Wikipedia Library initiative by obtaining licences for electronic publications and archives.


  1. Increased number of Finnish Wikipedians are taking part in international projects.
  2. Increased number of Finnish Wikipedians are taking part in Wikimedia projects (national or international)
  3. The community has been strengthened and collaboration between Wikimedia Suomi and Wikipedians has increased.

How to measure success?

These measures are indicators of our work in collaboration with the community, and the results show how well we have engaged the community in these projects. These are also projects in which the community has shown interest in.

x number of public art lists in Finnish Wikipedia moved to Wikidata
X number of photohunts with X number of participants; x number of photographs used in articles (in context of statue project).
Number of statue project artworks in Wikidata
Number of located statues with coordinates. Number number of artworks linked from OpenStreetMap using Wikidata tag
We will have organized X number of editathons related to the statue project. X number of people attend these editathons, and they result in X number of articles.
We have created a showcase list of one city.
Five such users who have not previously used the graph tag, listeria or mapframe maps will have done graphs, maps or listerialists in relation to the statue project.
We will have exported into Wikidata the information on the statues from those cities, where photohunts have been organized.
For the purpose of photographing statues, we will have created a WLM style of list with a "upload picture" button. By clicking it, the picture can be uploaded with pre-filled information.
For the purpose of photographing, we will have made a WLM style WikiShootMe map with a "upload picture" button (see above).
We will have participated in two OpenStreetMap meetings or will have organized one with OSM activists.
Previously inactive users have participated in projects coordinated by Wikimedia Suomi (see above). Through their participation, the community is strengthened and collaboration between Wikimedia Suomi and Wikipedians has increased.
We will have x number of new editors. We will also follow retention to monitor the development of our community.
Number of Finnish Wikipedians are taking part in international projects.
Number of Finnish Wikipedians are taking part in Wikimedia projects (national or international).



Our goals in this area are collaborations with established organizations to create a mutually beneficial relationship where Wikipedia receives high-quality input from experts. The experts of these organizations learn about the Wikimedia movement and the tools we offer, and they will be motivated to utilize them in the future. The larger objective of this program is to offer accessible, high-quality information and tools to the general public through cooperation with institutions, especially public institutions such as museums. Wikipedia and Wikimedia Suomi have the potential to bring together the information and expertise these institutions have, and encourage them to use our tools in their work, which is beneficial to the general public and Wikipedia. We will encourage and gently push our Finnish partners to use Wikimedia tools in their work.

allaoleva on yhdistetty education osioon In 2018, there will be a follow-up project with the National Museum where they will update text, images and maps on Finnish prehistory that they have previously had online and now re-publish them on WikiBooks in connection with their new exhibition on the subject. The editorial work is done by the National Museum staff and Wikimedia Finland's role is to give support with editing the wiki. That includes an editathon with the staff. We also support this with templates, commons mass uploads and data uploads to Wikidata if needed. To test the content in Wikibooks we will try to organize a student project where they will photograph Finnish prehistory locations for WLM/WLE. The National Museum is also participating in Educa exhibition in January. It is expected that Wikimedia Suomi will have a supporting role there too, and after Educa there will be an edithaton(s) for teachers as a follow-up event. Later next spring as part of our own EDU program we are posting a workshop and presentation proposals for WikiLeap at ITK conference (Interactive Technology in Education), too.

A heraldry project with Finnish National Archive and Aalto university will create a machine readable database of European coats of arms and their elements for their AI research purposes. The core of the dataset would be coats of arms images in Wikimedia Commons in SVG format and their description texts. They have applied for two year funding from Koneen säätiö but the grants haven't been decided yet. If the grant proposal is accepted, Wikimedia Finland's part is to parse description information from Wikimedia Commons and create coat of arms items in Wikidata with the link to image, municipality and instance of information and this would be funded by project. There is also possibility that one active Finnish Wikipedia editor will be included in the project as a civilian service person and this would be opportunity to make it Wikimedian in residency too. In point of global Wikimedian view project would result in a completely new open dataset for heraldry of Wikimedia Commons which could be used in Structured Commons program.

With the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE we will plan to continue our work with Wikidata using their datasets for matching Wikidata items to YSO (General Finnish ontology) and YSA (General Finnish keywords) so we could translate between Wikidata/Wikipedia and content that uses YSA/YSO more easily. This year the National Board of Antiquities of Finland will archive a set of WLM photos in their collections. If they do so next year as well, this could be used for keywording of WLM/WLE photos. YSA/YSO is also a practical tool for linking content from Wikimedia projects to external content in Finland.

In November 2017, we will organize an editathon with the National Audiovisual Institute (Kavi) staff, and they also seem interested in other future collaborations. The editathon will be centered around adding and improving articles on historical TV and radio programs, and there is still work to be done in this sector. Currently KAVI:s datasets are CC-BY and one clear discussion point is how we can use them with Wikidata. We have discussed a future project with Gallen-Kallela Museum in which we would upload photos of artworks to Wikimedia commons and store related information to Wikidata. We continue our collaboration with Vapriikki to produce an exhibition of Wikipedia's 15 years in Finland.

We strengthen our international collaboration with international Wikimedia movement, especially in our vicinity Wikimedias of Estonia, Sweden and Russia. We participate in international meetings and organizing contests and events. Wikimedia Suomi supports Wikimedia Nordic collaboration and organisation building and we would like to participate to Nordic meeting 2018.

We hope to find a suitable, preferably GLAM related project, to work together with Sweden or Estonia. Especially Estonia seems enthusiastic as they have had difficulties in finding museum collaboration before. Unlike their counterparts in Finland, Estonian museums have not been willing to share their collections publicly. One strong possibility for this is to use Estonian Ajapaik rephotography application (example photo, example photos in Commons) as part of WLM. We tested it internally in this year's competition. We also want at least one person from our community to attend the 2018 GLAM-Wiki Conference in Israel, due to the importance of GLAM in our programs.


  1. Implementing successful, high-quality projects with Finnish public institutions. Examples: Heraldry project, YLE & YSO project.
  2. Increased awareness of Wikimedia tools, and increased use of these tools.

How we achieve this

Related to Objective number 1:

  • Proactive work with Finnish partners.
  • We will have asked Tilastopaja, Stat.fi, National Board of Antiquities, SYKE, and Helsinki region infoshare about using information in Wikidata, and begun talks on future collaboration.
  • Continued collaboration with YLE on YSO keywording.

Related to Objective number 2:

  • Editathons targeted to specfic audiences. The content of the editathons cater to the needs and wishes expressed by the target audience.
  • Improved internal and external communication.
  • The National Museum begins exporting material into WikiBooks with our support. They have learnt how to use our tools and will continue to use them in the future.

Measures of success

  • If the heraldry project takes place, we will have implemented Wikimedian in residence.
  • We will have organized an editathon directed at teachers. The teachers will continue to use the skills they learnt in their work. We can implement formal and informal surveys to track the success of our events, i.e. if the participants found the information useful and if they have continued editing.
  • Our editathons and Wikimedia-related events organized with/for our partners result in new active (expert) editors.
  • Our editathons and Wikimedia-related events organized with/for our partners result in the partner organizations learning more about our tools and the benefits of Wikipedia/Wikimedia, and continue to use our tools in the future. We will follow up on this with direct contact (i.e. asking them) and/or surveys.



The goal of our Outreach activities is to make Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement more known to the general public, i.e. our outreach work is mostly targeted towards non-editors. We plan to reach the public through our partners who work in public service, organizing competitions and events that attract the public, and by increasing our presence online on our blog and social media pages.

The reason for this is the decline of the number of editors in recent years; with active outreach work we hope to reverse the trend.

Next year, as in the past, we hope to organize an editing event for International Women’s Day. There are many feminist organizations we could partner with, and we’re currently searching for one with whom to implement some kind of an activity. This is an important project, aimed at a gender balance in Wikipedia and Wikimedia. Through this collaboration, our aim is to create more articles related to women and gender issues, gain new editors (specifically women), and create a dialogue between Wikimedia and feminist organizations in Finland.

In the next year, we plan to organize both Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth competitions. In 2017, we organized WLM for the first time, and we noticed that it attracted mostly non-editors. We believe this will prove to be true in the future as well, and the contests are therefore an important part of our outreach strategy. Through them, we increase our visibility among Finns who might not be well acquainted with Wikipedia and Wikimedia. We will link the photographs resulting from these competitions into the requires tags, Wikidata targets and YSO keywording. After WLE and WLM, we will hold a competition, lasting one week, and editathon on the topic of using the photos in articles.

Participating in large fairs is expensive and requires a lot of intensive work. For this reason, we hope to take part in smaller events focused on issues that we work on. We believe this will guarantee higher visibility and more concrete results. We hope to work with other organizations, for example OKFI (Open Knowledge Finland), and participate together with other organizations in bigger events in order to optimize our use of resources and results. Book fairs have been important for us in the past, and we hope to participate in them also in the future. Therefore we’re looking into alternative means of participation, for example joining panel discussions and side events.

In the past, our success in Outreach has been evident in institutions and people contacting us with partnership proposals. These contacts show that there are people who know who we are and what we do, and they recognize the importance of our work. We want to continue on this path, and further increase awareness of Wikimedia and Wikimedia Suomi.


  1. Increased awareness of the Wikimedia movement among the general public.
  2. Gaining new editors.
  3. Partnering with others in order to spread our message more effectively.

How we achieve this

Related to Objective number 1:

  • WLM will be organized for the second time; in 2017, most of the participants were non-editors.
  • We will organize WLE for the first time; hopefully, it will be a success similar to WLM 2017.

Related to Objective number 2:

  • WLM and WLE; these competitions attract non-editors who get acquainted with Wikimedia for the first time.
  • Cooperation with other institutions; editathons are a good way to get started with editing. Working with, for example, feminist organizations to increase the diversity of editors and content is important.

Measures of success

  • increased number of members in association
  • Number of new articles; number of new registered users; number of participants.
  • editor retention
  • Increased participation in WLM.
  • WLE organized for the first time.

Technical development

The tech program aims at institutionalizing Wikidata for all projects around Finnish Wikimedia.

The main reason for pushing this is that the current infobox system in Finnish Wikipedia is from 2008, and it should be modernised in any case. The most critical needs are better support for accessibility, and Wikidata. Fiwiki doesn’t have the will or technical manpower to implement it from scratch, and so we adapted infobox and Wikidata support from French Wikipedia, which is already very good. Wikidata, Lua, graph-extension and kartographer extension (mapframe maps) are technologies that enable processing the information in completely new ways. They aren’t adopted automatically and we in Wikimedia Suomi using them in different projects so it’s vital for us to install them.

We will achieve this by localizing the Wikidata and infobox modules imported from French Wikipedia and keeping them up to date. Modules are then cloned into all Finnish sister projects.(list of currently synced modules and templates)

We will also import high quality data supporting Lakes and WikiLeap projects into Wikidata. Exact data is unknown because by default license used for data we plan to use in Finland is CC-BY and we need to request a permit for use it as CC0 for Wikidata. However data what we try to get is something like lake code, coordinates of the lake, inflows, outflows, location in the administrative territorial entity, area, perimeter, catchment area, depth, environmental information etc. Total number of target lakes are all finnish lakes currently in Wikidata (6000) and stretch goal is all finnish lakes which are in swedish Wikipedia (17103).

Imported data can be used for creating info boxes and drawing maps and graphs. We will implement automatic daily comparison between data used in the Lakes -infobox and information from the authorities in order to point out a medium to the community for maintaining the accuracy of the info boxes. We will strive to teach the community members to export information to Wikidata by using the tools quickstatements and pywikibot.

By updating into Wikipedia five geography infoboxes ( "lakes" (2461), "rivers" (1096), "mountains" (811), "islands" (1483) and "natural reserves" (272)), we will advance social learning. Wikidata will be used in these info boxes either as a sources of the visible value, or to search for errors, based on the views of the community. Instead of using old location maps, we will use mapframe maps in the info boxes. During the creation of the info boxes, we will initiate a dialogue with the community on how Wikidata could and should be used.

For teachers involved in the WikiLeap Project, we will create a web based guide on the use of infoboxes, graphs and maps. This will include a manual in Finnish to use information boxes and Wikidata modules used in the French Wikipedia. When ready the guide will be used in other Finnish sister projects too.

Timeframe for the steps in the plan is to do it in 2018. Work with the community dialogue, creating new guides, syncing the code with the french Wikipedia is ongoing project and it will continue beyond that.

How to measure success?

We will have maintained the modules imported from FRwiki and it is working in Finnish sister projects.
We will have imported the data supporting the Lake and Wikidata projects into Wikidata.
We will have executed automatic information check on the information used by the Lakes -information box.
We will have updated the information boxes related to "lakes" (2461), "rivers" (1096), "mountains" (811), "island" (1483) and "natural reserves" (272), and the boxes are used in the articles. The info boxes use Wikidata. Old location maps in the info boxes have been replaced by MapFrame maps.
We will have created a manual in Finnish and examples for the MapFrame tag and Graph tag. We have translated w:fr:module:wikidata/Documentation into Finnish and created examples for it. We have created a guide page in Finnish on how to edit information boxes.
We will have created a guide page for how to export information with various tools (quickstatements, petscan and harvest templates). Three users who have not used these tools before, will have tried them out.
Two users will have created an account in toollabs.
Two users who have not previously edited Wikipedia through pywikibot will have used toollabs/pywikibot to edit Wikipedia.